Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Kecak (pronounced: /'ke.tʃak/, roughly "KEH-chahk", alternate spellings: Ketjak and Ketjack), a form of Balinese music drama, originated in the 1930s and is performed primarily by men. Also known as the Ramayana Monkey Chant, the piece, performed by a circle of 100 or more performers wearing checked cloth around their waists, percussively chanting "cak" and throwing up their arms, depicts a battle from the Ramayana where the monkey-like Vanara helped Prince Rama fight the evil King Ravana. However, Kecak has roots in sanghyang, a trance-inducing exorcism dance.[1]

Kecak was originally a trance ritual accompanied by male chorus. German painter and musician Walter Spies became deeply interested in the ritual while living in Bali in the 1930s and worked to recreate it into a drama, based on the Hindu Ramayana and including dance, intended to be presented to Western tourist audiences. This transformation is an example of what James Clifford describes as part of the "modern art-culture system"[2] in which, "the West or the central power adopts, transforms, and consumes non-Western or peripheral cultural elements, while making 'art' which was once embedded in the culture as a while, into a separate entity."[3] Spies worked with Wayan Limbak and Limbak popularized the dance by traveling throughout the world with Balinese performance groups. These travels have helped to make the Kecak famous throughout the world.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Task 3: WWW Lesson Plan


LEVEL: Form 1

TIME : 15 – 30 minutes

AIMS: To find specific information on the website; to practice vocabulary associated with scientific laboratory instruments.


One computer per group of 2 – 3 students with an Internet connection and a Web browser.



  • Locate sites dedicated to science and technology.
  • Using the information on the site, prepare a worksheet.


  1. Teacher gives a list of scientific terms and pictures of laboratory instruments to each student. (refer Worksheet)

  2. Teacher asks whether they recognize the items and encourages students to guess the name of each item (they can answer in Bahasa).

  3. Teacher divides students into groups of 3 and allocates them to a computer for each group.

  4. Teacher instructs groups to find the exact English term for each item on the list using the website suggested by the teacher.

  5. Students are given a specified time to complete task and the first group to finish the fastest, wins a prize.

  6. When everyone is finished, answers are discussed in class.


  1. Teacher prepares another worksheet related to rules in a laboratory. (see Follow-up Worksheet)

  2. Students are instructed to go home and complete task with assistance from the Internet.

  3. Students are required to bring the homework to the next class.